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Hospital Yoga


I offer a range of classes for people in hospital settings that recognizes the wide range of abilities and needs. From Chair Yoga, to Gentle Yoga, to Regular Hatha Yoga. Whatever your (dis)abilities, I would love to come to you and find something that works for your group.


I can even provide a 10-20min introductory session for FREE!

Chair Yoga


This is my most basic class for people with limited mobility. Whether you are using a power chair, a wheel chair, a walker or you just want to try chair yoga, this will give you all the benefits of a regular hatha yoga class all while seated in a chair.


People are often amazed at how much they can do while seated. We practice stretching the body in all directions, mindful that everyone will have differing limitations. By allowing for these differences and encouraging our students to work within their limitations, all the benefits of a regular class can be achieved in this class.


In addition to physical movement, we also work on breathing (pranayama) and meditation. 


Gentle Yoga


"Gentle" often means different things to different people, especially when it come to yoga. Our Gentle offerings are done with minimal movement. Although the entire class can be done in a chair, most people use matts. During the physical practice the chair may be used as a prop. In addition, there are other props (bolsters, cushions, blankets, straps) that can be used throughout the class.


Throughout the class students are reminded to stay within their physical limits. We never push ourselves into poses. Instead we gentle ease into them. Many people find this gentle approach far more accessible than regular hatha classes where people strive to reach a goal. In this class, the goal is to honor your limitations. 

(Regular) Hatha Yoga


Hatha Yoga is regarded as the physical practice of yoga. In the Regular Hatha classes, we follow a standard format of sun salutations followed by standing posture, back-bends, forward bends, (optional) inversion and twists. Although each class will be different, especially depending on the teacher, we try to maintain some standardization to allow all students to feel comfortable in our class. As you progress, you are welcome to challenge yourself in the class or find classes outside that are more appropriately challenging for your needs. Our goal is to offer something that is often not available in the general public. 


As in all our classes, students are free to attend any class and develop modifications that are working for them.

Yoga for Any Body

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